IT Family


I have created a small simulation to provide you with different examples of what you could earn based on the daily rate.

The simulation includes:

  • Expense reimbursement up to €225 (e.g., books, training, meals with prospects, etc.).
  • Meal vouchers worth €194.40 (€10.80 X 18 vouchers).
  • Car allowance worth €750.
  • Payment of €200 to IT Family.

There is a simulation for a person in a relationship, and the second table is for a person who is declared single according to Luxembourgish administration. 


For a person in a relationship:

Gross salary:

Net salary:

Actual amount received:

Daily rate:


5 000 €

3 623 €

4 793 €

433 €

6 000 €

4 366 €

5 535 €

503 €

7 000 €

5 108 €

6 277 €

573 €

8 000 €

5 850 €

7 019 €

643 €

9 000 €

6 592 €

7 761 €

714 €

10 000 €

7 334 €

8 503 €

784 €

11 000 €

8 076 €

9 245 €

854 €


For a single person:

Gross salary:

Net salary:

Actual amount received:

Daily rate:


5 000 €

2 781 €

3 951 €

433 €

6 000 €

3 363 €

4 533 €

503 €

7 000 €

3 945 €

5 115 €

573 €

8 000 €

4 527 €

5 697 €

643 €

9 000 €

5 110 €

6 279 €

714 €

10 000 €

5 691 €

6 860 €

784 €

11 000 €

6 273 €

7 442 €

854 €