IT Family

SERVICE CyberSécurité


people fixing laptop keyboard

Imagine you have a treasure of great value that you want to protect from pirates. Cybersecurity is like installing locks, alarms, cameras, and guards, and using a highly secure vault to protect your digital assets and information: your trade secrets, financial records, or customer data.

Cybersecurity is the implementation of a shield that protects your business in the digital world against potential threats and malicious attacks. It involves using antivirus software that acts as a guard by detecting and eliminating viruses from your computer. It also entails keeping your devices up to date with the latest security patches, similar to repairing the weak points of your fortress that intruders could exploit to gain entry.

In summary, cybersecurity is about protecting your digital information and systems from external threats. By being vigilant, using appropriate tools, and implementing security measures, you can safeguard yourself.

How can IT Family help you in protecting your business?

We are here to provide an external perspective on your behaviors and IT system. We can analyze and identify their weaknesses by advising you on best practices to implement, as well as recommending tools and/or applications that could enhance the protection of your clients and your company.

1. Security awareness

IT security is first and foremost a matter of behavior and daily habits that need to be ingrained in the employees' culture. IT Family will provide you with the keys to follow the initial security rules and avoid risky behaviors, which are the first essential line of defense against an attack.

2. Regular updates

Some actions are easy to implement and already provide a reasonable level of protection. Among these actions, it is important to ensure that all software used in your company, including applications and firewalls, is regularly updated. Of course, it is good practice to use the latest versions from each vendor. These updates address known vulnerabilities that are regularly exploited by hackers. 

3. Regular backups

Il faut noter qu’aucune solution de sécurité ne peut garantir une protection à 100% contre les cyberattaques. C’est pour cela qu’ effectuer des sauvegardes régulières de toutes les données importantes de votre entreprise est essentiel. En cas de catastrophe naturelle ou d’accident, avoir réalisé ses sauvegardes en dehors de votre bâtiment principal est obligatoire. De plus, il faut les vérifier périodiquement pour s’assurer qu’elles peuvent être restaurées en cas de problème.

4. Monitoring and intrusion detection

Il existe différentes solutions pour surveiller vos systèmes informatiques et détecter les activités suspectes et autres intrusions. Entre autres, vérifier et analyser les journaux d’événements, les alertes de sécurité permettent de réagir rapidement aux incidents.

5. Security audit

IT Family can intervene within your company to test and evaluate your current level of protection. Following our audit, you will receive a report that indicates your weaknesses but, more importantly, the actions to implement to improve your defenses and become a true virtual fortress!